It's estimated Ludwig van Beethoven lived in a total of 80 something apartments in his lifetime, never really settling down. The apartment we visited this morning, was the one he lived in the longest. Beethoven knew the owner of the building, and always had an apartment held for him because he always came back to Vienna. Brooke and I walked through the apartment, viewed one of his pianos, some of his manuscripts, and learned more about this deaf oddball genius. We like to think we absorbed some of the musical brilliance by being in his apartment! In this apartment he composed the 5th, 7th, and 8th Symphonies, Piano Trio B flat major, and "Fur Elise".
Genius chicken scratch.....

Next, it was the Vienna Boy's Choir performance.....For me, it was just ok. It is something unique to Vienna that has was established over 500 years ago, and they perform for half a million people each year, so thats kinda cool. Brooke enjoyed it, but I could have skipped it this time around. They sang in German for most of it, some in Latin I think, and one random song in English(lollypop lollypop.....weird). Ranging from ages 10-14, they are required to attend the boarding school and only see their family on Sundays.
We walked around the baroque Karlskirche church, completed in 1737. We didn't go in, but it's sure interesting from the outside. Later we walked through a popular street lined with cafes, shops, and street musicians. There are SO many people our age here too, its nice!
Here's the church....

One important thing to note. We came across a group holding a candlelit vigil of sorts, for the people of the Myanmar disaster with flowers and candles laid out all over the ground. It reminded me of the Imagine memorial for Lennon, in New York's Central Park.
Such a sad deal...

(BIG GEAR SHIFT HERE)....After having yet another relaxing dinner in an outdoor cafe:) we headed back to the hotel. The windows were open in our room, but the curtains were blocking anyone from seeing in. While I was sitting on the bed working on my laptop I heard a man sarcastically yell out to a woman, "I"M GUNNA PEE MY PANTS". Being a sarcastic person myself I shouted, "WELL, DON'T PEE YOUR PANTS!!" The man replied with a big fat, "F-YOU". Brooke and I were kinda shocked because he was really....well, pissed at me. Later we found out he had just had an argument with his MISTRESS when he made the comment.
It wasn't for another hour or so until we heard him again. This time he was talking with the woman he had the argument with, right under our first story window!
So naturally we start listening in to their serious talk......We heard comments from him like, "It will be hard at first but she(his wife) will get over it"......."I don't know if I can ever love you enough"......."I don't know what to tell you, I'm 54 and your 21, it's difficult". YES, HE IS 54 AND SHE IS 21. They went on arguing about how they were going to work out their relationship. It sounded like she wanted him all to herself, and he was having a hard time with one little detail.....HIS WIFE. I feel bad for her because she probably has no idea. That was the juiciest ease-drop for us!
* I am posting this on the eve of our return flight home from Athens. Greece is AMAZINGLY COOL. I will possibly do a mega post in Philadelphia, where our layover is. I'll have 11 hours to write and edit pictures, hopefully I can get caught up!