Today was laundry day, so we slept in ;) When we got up we had to take a subway across town to get to the laundro mat, where we did 4 loads. This place and the place in Italy had weak dryers.....probably on purpose so they don't shrink a bunch of stuff, or so you spend more money on drying the clothes. We loaded up the suitcase with all of our clothes, a few still damp, and headed back to the hotel to drop it off.
After that we walked through an older part of Vienna and a central park that reminded us of New York a little. Vienna is nice because it has a ton of people our age, it's clean, and the buildings are all really old and cool looking.
This evening we craved american food and stopped at a Friday's. American restaurants like that are rare here so when we saw it in on our map and had to eat there.
For dessert we wanted to try the famous Sacher-Torte that Vienna is known for. It's a kind of chocolate cake that was invented by chance in 1832. The chef at the court of Prince Metternich got sick right before they were about to have an important dinner so it was up to the apprentice cook to create a good dessert for them. He came up with the Sacher-Torte. After a lawsuit, the Sacher Hotel is the only company in the world that can call theirs the "Original Sacher-Torte". If it doesn't say "Original", it's not the real deal. It takes 32 steps to make it, and the recipe is locked in an actual safe. To this day, only a few staff have ever seen the recipe!
We also had a coffee with the dessert because the coffee house originated in Vienna (i think coffee beans originally came from Turkey).
This is what Vienna looks like. It's so nice here. Also, excuse the image quality, it was from my little point and shoot camera.