This was probably our most favorite day so far. We slept in this morning (had to rest the bones), took a guided tour of the Borghese Gallery, then went back to the Pantheon to have dinner in a cafe in front of it. I think today was our favorite day so far for several reasons. It has now really sunk in we are in Rome. At first it was like we really weren't in another country, maybe some place different like New York but not another country.
Another reason is because the jet-lag has now worn off and we have our bearings (we are no longer delirious and lost). We can also speak little of the language (so we don't look like complete idiots, just kinda like idiots instead ;)
The other major reason I think today was the best day is all the pieces of Rome's historical puzzle came together. Today's tour of the Borghese Gallery was fantastic. It was supposed to be a group tour but since this is the "slower" season, it ended up being a PRIVATE tour!! Our guide Micheal, originally from Chicago, has lived in Italy for 30 years and is a professor of English here. We went room by room in the gallery talking about the stories behind Bernini's Sculptures and paintings by Rapheal, Titian, and Caravaggio to name a few. We were able to link the history we learned about the Vatican, all of the Popes, and Michelangelo, with the artists mentioned above and the city of Rome. Because it was just us, and an an expert of Italy we were able to ask him anything we wanted. I appreciated art before, but seeing these masterpeices in person along with an expert telling you all about it, pushed my appreciation to a super high level now. Michelagelo, Rapheal, and Bernini were the superstars of their time. They were being commissioned for incredible works by the Pope in their 20's!!!! The importance of Rome really hit us today.
The Borghese family got to their status because they had a son who was a Cardinal and a cousin who was a Pope. The not only owned an enormous collection of art, but gorgeous land that spans an area larger than the Vatican City. The park is sooo nice!
Finally the dinner in front of the Pantheon was the coolest dinner I have ever had. I don't like lasagna, but have been wanting to try it here. If I'm going to find lasagna I like, it would probably be here right? Well I definitely found it. Brooke and I both ordered it and really loved it! I guess I'll give lasagna another shot back home.
Besides the great food and wine, the atmosphere was surreal. We were in an ancient square eating Italian food in Italy, surrounded by chic Europeans, with a background of a structure built in AD 118!
*****The Pantheon will celebrate it's 1400th birthday in '09 as a Christian church (originally a pagan temple but turned into a christian temple by Constantine).*****
At dinner we sat next to 2 couples from Ireland and ending up having a long conversation with them. They make us want to go to Ireland! It's so not fair they live in a beautiful place like Ireland, and can fly just a few hours to Italy, France, Spain, etc.! We can fly a few hours to New Mexico, Las Vegas, Florida, Colorado.....Cool places yes, but not compared to Italy, France, Spain, London, Amsterdam, and on and on....
I forgot to mention that in the Vatican, they have 2 dead Popes in glass displays. One is Dipped in some kind of weird wax, the other dipped in Bronze. I wonder toward the end there if they started really watching their weight and appearance because their physic was about to be immortalized for millions to view.
The Vatican also has the tomb of APOSTLE PETER there (AKA St. Peter's Basilica). The very center of St. Peter's dome was built directly of where Peter's tomb is. WOW
The Vatican is also said to have pieces of the cross that Jesus was crucified on. DOUBLE WOW.
Tomorrow we are taking a guided tour with the same guide as today, of the Colosseum, Caesar Augustus' Roman Forum, and Palatine.
Side Notes:
I should have brought a smaller photography backpack for walking around instead of a messenger style bag and a rolling suitcase style bag for general transport (one that I can carry on). The backpack that is carried around during the day needs to look worn. So if it's new maybe kick it around in the dirt a few times. You don't want to elude you are carrying nice things and my messenger bag kills after a couple of hours.
If you don't want to stand out in Europe as a tourist, wear alot of dark colors. At least bring a black jacket (if the weather calls for one of course).
The subway system is nothing compared to New York's, but the cabs here are actually reasonably priced.
There are motorcycles and scooters EVERYWHERE. It makes me want one really bad.